
Saturday, October 24, 2009

Does the devil wear blue shoes or is he like God who wears sandals on his feet at times?

Seriously does he wear blue shoes or was that part of some song on the radio.

Does the devil wear blue shoes or is he like God who wears sandals on his feet at times?
I wear sandals. Thanks for asking.
Reply:I thought he wore prada?

God doesn't need shoes, he has thick callouses on his feet.

It's Jesus who wears the sandals- Birkenstocks actually.
Reply:some song.

everyone knows that satan wears skating shoes.

i just saw him earlier today gosh
Reply:That song went 'Devil with the blue dress, blue dress, blue dress, Devil with the blue dress on!' It was called See CC Rider....
Reply:don't know of any, maybe horse shoes modified to fit goat?
Reply:SHE wears prada!!!
Reply:No, he wears blue dresses so he's a cross dresser. Though, sandles would go well with a blue dress...I am betting he is barefoot. Hooves don't fit well in shoes.

Elvis sang a song about blue suede shoes. I never heard a song about the devil wearing blue shoes.

The devil appears in basically any way he likes (at least for now). He tries to appear as a Christian pastor or an angel of light. He doesn't dare to be too bold. Demons who went too far have been chained up in the underworld before the appointed time. Satan won't go too far until the end of the world is near. Then, since his fate is close, he will make a last gasp effort to deceive the world.

This may happen is our lifetimes.
Reply:Here's the more important question:

What did Jesus do to combat the horrors of "sandal feet"...

come on, you know what i'm talking about...

I can't wear my sandals for two weeks without having to change the soles or use Dr. Scholl's or some sort of foot powder...

I'm just saying.
Reply:de debbil gots hoofs, he don't need no shoes.
Reply:No, I believe it is the "Devil with the Blue Dress"...which either makes him a her or a cross dresser...
Reply:as a spirit, do you think he can even hold shoes on or is he translucent? more importantly, do you know what's going to happen to him no matter what color shoes he is (or isn't wearing). if your answer is no, check out the following link:

then click on the tab that says "view prayer clip"

good luck on your search.
Reply:He wears Prada.
Reply:Have you ever heard of a spirit needing to wear shoes? Why?


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