
Friday, November 6, 2009

My pit bull is weak and in pain possibly constipated what could this be caused from?

weak, in pain whenever i try to pick him up or touch him he ate part of my shoes a few days ago he does'nt like to move just stands or lays down his butt is rounded underneath him he doesnt eat his pedigree dog food or drink much water could this be from something he may have ate? i gave him (pet) amoxicillin and tylenol for pain will take him to the vet tuesday if not monday please help i cant lose him. thanks!

My pit bull is weak and in pain possibly constipated what could this be caused from?
It certainly sounds like a torsion or twisted bowel. He needs to see a vet.

Tylenol is not good for dogs. Aspirin is commonly used, but not tylenol.
Reply:That is dangerous to medicate him like that.

Ate a shoe sounds like a blockage which is almost always deadly.

Get off the PC and go to the vet!!!!
Reply:I think you have an easy problem that can be fixed,your dog has something stuck like a piece of your shoe or a bone or something hard to digest,your dog won't die if you get him to the vet straight away as they'll flush his bowles and as if you don't get it done asap he'll get worse and you might regret it
Reply:It would be best to take him to the Vet in the morning as soon if not to an emergency clinic before. The fact that he is not drinking or eating and he is lethargic is a big concern. He may have some sort of blockage. I wouldn't advise medicating him yourself any more without the Vet's advice. Tylenol overdose can cause liver damage or liver failure and death. Weakness and pain, lethargy, not eating or drinking- these in combination are good reason to visit an emergency clinic and if you can't, then definitely good reason to go to a Vet first thing in the morning. Be sure to tell the Vet any meds you gave your dog and the exact amounts given, and how many times given. Hope your dog is better soon.
Reply:First, he has a blockage which in itself is an emergency if it's been going on for a few days.

Second, you poisoned him with Tylenol!


EDIT: Dogs can have aspirin, which is often prescribed for pain associated with arthritis. They cannot have Tylenol, Advil, Aleve.
Reply:Well for one thing Dogs can not have TYLENOL.. so you are trying to kill him here with self medicating with out getting information first.. Second, there are emergency clinics and he obviously needs help. What are you going to do? Sit there and hope he doesn't die or get moving and take him to get help from someone who knows what they are doing?

TYLENOL is VERY toxic to dogs.
Reply:emergency!!!! he has to go in right away. he has something lodged in his intestines and it will kill him if it stays that way too long. he cant eat or drink, and he cant go to the bathroom. how long has he been this way? please take him in!!
Reply:first don't panic on the Tylenol if you've only given him 1 or 2. Yes, it's toxic but if the worst happens, it's not your fault in feeding him tylenol. It sounds like something he ate (ie, you can't find the missing parts of your shoes) and it's pluggin him up and as has been suggested, could be a twisted bowel. Vet asap for sure.
Reply:Sounds like a twisted bowel---take him/her to the vet they can help. It'll be OK.

Edit: What's with the thumbs down? I've had a dog with this exact problem it was a twisted bowel---also FYI Tylenol is NOT toxic it is what my vet said to give my dogs---it's aspirin that is toxic to dogs. Gah@ you people!
Reply:your dog is in PAIN - what more do you need to know.

if he is torsed he will die without surgery - find an ER clinic.

you said he ate part of you shoe %26amp; then want to know if this could be from something he ate???? WTH

just great you gave him tylenol!!! %26amp; the food you are feeding is garbage too
Reply:When is the last time he had a b.m.?? If he hasn't gone today, I would say he can't wait too much longer to see a vet!! If I were you I would take him in as soon as they open up in the morning!! I would probably be waiting on them to open the office, because this is very dangerous - he could have a blockage and that could make him very sick!!


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