I have been advised not to use flat shoes due to plantar fasciitis (a type of foot pain ). Can anybody explain me what are "flat shoes"? How to identify such shoes when I go to buy one? I have no idea about what makes a pair of shoes fit/unfit for running. I only look for softness in the bottom part. If the portion where foot rests is soft, I assume that would be a good running shoe. The softer the better. Is this correct? If not then please explain. Also what is meant by shoe with arch support and how do I test that for a pair of shoes?
What are "flat shoes"?
The term "flat" means several different things. Usually in running a racing flat is a light weight shoe with no spikes in it and little support for the foot used only for racing distances of 3K or longer.
Your doctor or trainer is using the word flat for any training shoe that is designed for people with low arches. I assume your foot has a moderate to high arch. And you have probably been wearig shoes with little to no arch support which may have caused or contributed to your plantar fasch. Every shoe company has different shoes with different levels of arch support and there are even extra little foam inserts you can buy to put inside your shoe for more support if you need it. I have high arches also and have been running and competing for over 15 years. I prefer Nike's and have always like the Nike Air max Tailwinds, Nike Air max Triax, or Nike Air max Moto's. These shoes run anywhere between 80 and 120 dollars and I can easily get 500 miles on them before I need new ones. Good luck.
Reply:the shoes without heals.
Reply:shoes withour heel (your foot should be flat not bending on the toe) you can use sports shoes or fleet
Reply:without heel shoes u can get them on reebok showroom.
Reply:I know your problem. I also had plantar fasciitis and I needed to buy running shoes with a high arch support. Flat shoes are not good for people with plantar fasciitis because those people have flat feet and one of the ligaments in your foot becomes inflammatory causing pain the heal. You should ask your doctor which shoe to buy and where you can get it
Reply:Shoe withought a heal. Usually worn when running on tracks. If you go to a running store look for shoes that don't have a heal. Don't pick up the shoes that have spikes in them (they are for running on trails or more rugged terain)
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