
Sunday, March 14, 2010

What is the female equivalent looked for on a guy for guys on womens plunging cashmere tops?

Does a woman look for hairy chest in social setting or big turn off.

Does a lady look to finger nails or toe nails for close attention to detail, or perhaps the abode to see if neat clean and tidy but perhaps with or without no intent of doing anything on first date, or just get down to business, whatever that happens to be?

What basic turn ons or offs are there in what categories and why, for example the sort of Rain man Kmart standard issue? giggles just havin fun not me? Okay!

Finally what part does a guys shoes take in smart casual is brand name important say in Australia, Rivers, Classics or any particular image? Does the idea of shopping together for image as a team bear fruit or is it independence as an attractive feature of already liking what exists without mutual cooperation seen as more important.

Guys welcome to answer on behalf of what their gals do too, but most especially where women desire particular unique ideas bonus points awarded.

What is the female equivalent looked for on a guy for guys on womens plunging cashmere tops?
mind you im married but ..........

but my opinion may count

a small amount of chest hair is ok for me can always wax if its too much.....

i never looked at fingernails lol

i dont believe in getting down to business as you say on the first date....even today... if i was single ..

i mean kissing etc fine lol

thats about all i can answer for you sorry.........
Reply:HUH? I didn't understand most of that but I kind of get the idea you are asking what turns women off the most. For me poor grooming is on top of the list. Body odor, missing teeth, greasy hair, clothes not pressed, you get the picture. The second worst is someone who is a @$$hole. A guy that kicks his dog, yells at his mother, drives like a jerk, and is just a mean son of a *****. Number three on the list is a big ego and bragging, in other words a guy who is full of himself. Any of these 3 will send me running for the nearest door.


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