
Sunday, October 11, 2009

What would your G-d say about this? (If your an atheist, what would you do if you were me?)?

I have this pair of high heels that I have had for about a year, the first day I bought them, I tripped and part of the shoe got a hole in them but are still perfectly wearable. They are the only pair of heels I own and I wear them quite often because A) I have little cash and B) they are QUITE wearable.

My classmates have an obsession with shoes, specifically Nikes and Jordans and often come in with brand new shoes they bought the weekend before.When I wear these heels they always laugh and make fun and tell me I'm poor. These are the same kids who claim to be very religious. What would your religious leader/ G-d say about them doing this?

What would your G-d say about this? (If your an atheist, what would you do if you were me?)?
I'd give 'em the finger and go on with my life...

Those jerks are only useful as organ donors...
Reply:Then they really don't understand stand their religious following,

I'm atheist but religions are heavy duty especially when they're committing a sin

It's a total sin to make fun of people less fortunate then you [even if your not].

Go explain to them "if you are a follower of god then you wouldn't be mocking his children"

[that was just an example, just tell them their sinning]

Good luck

%26amp; I'd love to see those shoes
Reply:You have some real good answers here. I hope you can sift them out of the bad ones.

I'd point them out but I have to run, it's getting past my bedtime.

I apologize for the bad behavior of the self-styled Christians at your school. I wish I could intervene but it is impossible.

Don't respond to them. Don't point out their shortcomings (religion-wise).

The one exception I might indulge in is to follow the line of thought that suggested mentioning the saving of resources so the really poor, etc.
Reply:just smile and thank them for their concern; politely tell them that if everyone made resources last a little bit longer, there would be more money and resources left to aid the truly poor of the world, people without adequate food or clean water. Remind them that true poverty is not about fashion, and true wealth is not about material goods.
Reply:I would say that calling yourself, "Princess Madeline big sib of 3" is pretty lofty for this website.

No princess gives a damn about her younger siblings. That's because she believes she is the best of the best.

Now for your religion query: Religious people worship wealth. That's why they're religious. Because they're stupid. So whenever they make fun of you just punch them in the mouth.
Reply:Just concentrate on studying. Get the best grades you possibly can. Then when you graduate, you are going to go away to university and have a marvelous time and forget all about those losers.
Reply:I'd cram my heel into their crotches.

Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me. Kids are on to something.

You don't need to lower yourself to their level.

Just smile and go about your life.
Reply:Probably the best thing to do is ignore them and be completely cheerful - nothing annoys nasty people more than to know that you are entirely unaffected by them.
Reply:They should not be judging you, God says so in His word.

I am sorry they are doing that to you,.

Just keep your head up and don't let them get to you. :-)
Reply:I'd say that they were being rather shallow.

Not to mention wasteful. Poorer folks know how to live cheaper, and can survive recessions easier than anyone who has never known privation.
Reply:watch them jinx themselves.
Reply:Dear Friend,

Please remember that today... the word Christian and those who profess Christianity as their belief... are very generic titles today.

A REAL... Born-again, GOD FEARING believer in Jesus Christ. A true...Christian (being Christ-like), would NEVER make fun of you about anything you wear. In fact, they are more likely to "build you up" and tell you sincerely, that your heels look very nice on you.

Religion will never get anyone to Heaven. It is not "what" you is "who" you know...personally.

Being religious doesn't make someone a Christian, any more than going to MacDonald's make you a hamburger.

Please forgive their spiritual and physical...ignorance.
Reply:My mon sent us to school with home made Bread, Kids made fun of us, They had store bought light Bread......

Today on the surface things may appear calm; but like an undertow, materialism can viciously pull you out of sight. This regardless of how strong one might appear to be. Daily this world, with its insidious propaganda, attacks and tugs at the mind. Unless a Christian stays within safe bounds, using the spirit of a sound mind, and resists the temptation to stray beyond those limits, he could be drowned, sucked into the swirling sea of materialism. It is brutal, ruthless, spares none, and yet it looks perfectly innocent. Thus it is all the more a formidable opponent. But in order to fight it we must understand it. We must be aware of its presence and resist its encroachments. We must learn to identify it and resist it. Hence, what is materialism, how does it operate, and how can we combat it successfully?

3 First of all, materialism is worldliness. It is the opposite of that which is spiritual; it is earthly and sensual. It is a philosophy spawned by a faithless world and sustained by the false values of a system impoverished for true spiritual values. It maximizes the achievements of men and minimizes the value of Jehovah God and his Word in our lives. In short, while appearing to be a benefactor of mankind, it is as deadly as an undertow, as treacherous as quicksand. Materialism, opposed as it is to Jehovah God and all his righteous principles, will never survive the battle of Armageddon. It, along with all other worldly philosophies, is doomed to destruction at that impending battle. Today, however, many, whether fully aware of it or not, are being subtly tested by the menace of materialism, and not a few have had their spirituality snuffed out. The apostle John said: “Everything in the world—the desire of the flesh and the desire of the eyes and the showy display of one’s means of life—does not originate with the Father, but originates with the world. Furthermore, the world is passing away and so is its desire, but he that does the will of God remains forever.” (1 John 2:16, 17) Thus materialism appeals to the most selfish of desires, self-gratification, and it must be resisted if we are to preserve our lives in these critical times.
Reply:Heh. I can answer this specifically, because while I didn't get this at school, I sure as hell did at church.

We had a great minister - he made a whole sermon about putting worldly goods before god, and how you need to look at the person, not what they wear or own.

I think the sermon was lost on most, but I appreciated it.

What would I do? Point out that some day you're going to be very well off and debt free, while they'll get to be going through foreclosures and repos - just like their parents. (Mean, ain't it?)

Or what I used to say - "better to be poor in cash and rich in family and learning than to be like you."
Reply:You know Jesus was a poor man? You know his sandles were torn. You know Jesus would give me his shoes if he had money.

If they claim Jews r all rich they rascist

(I am half jewish but a christian)

skin rashes

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