I have a hypnofetish, which means I like to see women hypnotized, whether it is on movies, tv, or in one of those comedy shows. I go on youtube and webshots looking for pics of people hypnotized, and I love reading accounts of it. I can get off without thinking about hypnosis, but it adds a certain level of kink and really gets me going when I fantasize about it. Case in point. I have a friend who I am in school with who is very very hot. I would love to have a one nighter with her, but...most of the times I fantasize about her I imagine her being hypnotized..sleeping peacefully on stage (after being lulled to sleep by a pendulem or..flashing light) her shoes off, her lips parted...her eyes closed. I imagien her being given funny commands and put to sleep on command. I really just like the idea of her pretty sleeping form... So..yeah..I just want to know why I fantasize about this stuff and how I can fix it or if I need to. Also..anyone share this fetish. Help me out.
Fetish needs help?
Nothing wrong with fetishes, we all have them.
I have to say, this reminded me of Red Dwarf when Rimmer was talking about the book "How to pick up women through hypnosis" Wait til I hit her with the 'worm-do' line!
I also enjoy watching my girlsfriends sleep. They look so peaceful, natural and relaxed.
It could be worse, it could be a fetish for dead people lol.
Are you sure its not based on a shyness or self esteem issue? Again, this is ok. Just dont let fetishes run your life and consume you.
Reply:Most fetishes, especially the type you mention, are the result of feeling insecure. The person gets in the habit of doing behaviors and being turned on by behaviors that substitute for riskier direct contact where the person risks being turned down, or worse. It you continue with your fetish then you are likely to only be able to satisfy it by participating in illegal activities that could get you a long jail sentence with a big hairy man who wants to share his fetishes with you.
Reply:If it is not affecting your ability to live your life normally, or making you feel bad about yourself, don't worry about it! Everyone has fantasies, and most people consider their own fantasies at least somewhat bizarre. It doesn't mean they are!
Reply:Hey we all have our likes and dislikes, I just wanted to say good luck and I hope that you find someone that truly wants to share your fetish with you. Good luck!
Zombie The Troll Hunter-Beware Trolls I'm on The Prowl
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