
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

What should I use so the bottom of my shoes wear evenly?

When i go to buy shoes i notice that the outer edge of my shoes are more worn then the inner part

What should I use so the bottom of my shoes wear evenly?
get an appointment with a podiatrist for orthotic insert. If not corrected, this may cause back pain etc.
Reply:are you in any sports that would cuase this, skateboarding running, This is just the way you walk, if so then you can't really do much. Just buy shoes more often.
Reply:my friend has that problem. she bought some shoes (new balance is what she bought) and the are different in the sole part. The help your feet to not tilt outward, which is what is causing your troubles. See if you can find these shoes at

they have a roll bar for stability. There might be other designs, but this should get you started on your way to a better fitting shoe.
Reply:An orthotic insert whould balance out your footfall so that you do not turn you feet outward.
Reply:its the way you walk on your shoes Id say your feet turn in alittle


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